Sunday, April 25, 2010

4 Months

Caroline - 4 days old

Caroline - 4 months old

We are so blessed to have a happy, healthy baby girl. The time has flown by; we cannot believe how quickly she is growing and changing.

First taste of cereal!

Caroline had her first solid food - rice cereal - on Saturday, April 10, just a few days after she turned 4 months old.

She did very well, eating the whole bowl. The cereal seems to be helping her put on some weight. (she is up to a robust 10 lbs 3 oz!)

Our Little Blabber Mouth. . .

Caroline loves to talk about current events, local weather, and the newest trends in fashion. She gets really heated when she starts talking about health care reform. P.S. - sorry for the last part of the video.

Sunday, April 4, 2010


Hello everyone! Hope everyone has had a happy and blessed Easter. I know we have. It has been a WHILE since we've posted, but it is no secret that life with an infant keeps you going. So we thought we'd put up a few posts for your enjoyment...starting with Caroline's first Easter.

Here are some pics of Sweet Caroline in her new Easter dress compliments of Mimi.

Getting a little carried away with the rocking chair, Mom!

And no Easter dress is complete without...EASTER SHOES!!!


In March, we celebrated Abuelita's birthday at Uncle Eladio's house in Gassaway, WV. Great food and great company. Who could ask for more?

Hear no evil, speak no evil, see no evil.

OMG! It's four generations of Cubans!

On Thursday, April 1, we celebrated Grandpa Mullen's birthday. Yummy cake and good times!

Well that is all the time we have for blogging right now. We will post more as soon as we can. But we'll leave you with one last picture...

Monday, March 1, 2010

Breaking News from Harrisville!

Well it has been almost a month since our last post. All is well, and we are excited to share some pictures of a landmark event at the Mullen house!

We have a rollover at East South Street!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

New Pictures!

Sorry for the delay in posting new pictures. We have been busy with Jenny going back to work and Caroline growing like crazy. Hopefully we can get into a better routine of posting more often. Caroline received her immunization shots today (pentacel, hepatitis B, prevnar and rotovirus) and she goes to Dr. Mitchell on Thursday for her 8 week check-up. Yes, she is 8 weeks old already. Time is absolutely flying by. Hope everyone is doing well! Enjoy the pictures!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Caroline's New "Do"

Caroline got a new hair-do after bath time this evening. Check out the pictures!

No, we are not mean parents...we are just stocking up on photos for her senior slide show!

Monday, January 18, 2010

The Many Faces of Caroline

We have been testing out Jenny's new camera...

...and what better to experiment with!

We're still learning how to use it... stay tuned for more pictures...

...and many more smiles!

Cribs and Sleepless Nights

Miss Caroline is six weeks old tomorrow, and the time has flown by. Our biggest challenge over the last week, in addition to attempting to getting her on some type of schedule, has been transitioning her to sleeping in her crib at night. The first couple of nights were TERRIBLE and filled with crying...from Caroline and Mom. Knock on wood, she has been doing well sleeping in her crib for the last few nights. Here is a picture of Caroline sleeping soundly in her crib. If for any reason we've just jinxed ourselves we will be deleting this blog posting immediately. Happy sleeping everyone!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Baby Caroline Pictures

Here are some recent pictures of Caroline, who is now a month old. We have enjoyed visits from Mammaw and Gramps, Aunt Jill and Uncle Jake and Mimi and Pap this week. We have had snow virtually every day since January 1, not much accumulation, but it has been enough to make the roads slick. Hope everyone is doing well!