Mornings in the Mullen House can be somewhat rushed, but we have a system all the same which usually begins with two to three slaps of the alarm clock and eventually dragging ourselves out of bed. Lately, we've been dragging slower and slower. At any rate, Craig gets Caroline up while I get breakfast ready. Then Caroline comes in and sleepily gets started on breakfast, which on weekdays, generally consists of some "O's", water, and yogurt. I'm usually chomping on some toast and guzzling coffee while we watch Phineas and Ferb...a cartoon that we have all come to love and appreciate.
Some mornings go quite smoothly! But as with many of us, there are those mornings where it is just hard to get motivated.

"A cheerful heart is good medicine."
-Proverbs 17:22
How ironic that the one day (in probably 6 months) that I look at your blog, you posted something. I am very excited now to check back weekly for your postings :) I hope all is well. I can't believe how big Caroline is getting. I hope you guys get some sleep soon. Love ya!